• Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:2011 / West Midlands

The Setup

I’d been in Bangalore all week with work. I had an overnight flight back which put me into Heathrow Airport quite early in the morning. I’d got an appointment up in the West Midlands for the evening, as we were having a win party for a bid I’d been working on earlier in the summer. The event was being held at The Belfry golf resort. The timings were such that it seemed a bit pointless going home, as the girls would all be working or in school, so I wouldn’t have seen anyone anyway.

I therefore just drove straight up the M40 to Birmingham to the Belfry and set myself up for a bit of caching. I’d travelled in clothes suitable for caching and had some time available before I’d be able to check into my hotel room, so I thought I might as well. In fact, I’d sort of anticipated the possibility that some caching might be possible. I’d had solved a few nearby puzzle caches to spice things up a bit.

The Caching

I started my caching by doing a series on the minor roads running in between The Belfry’s many golf courses. Most had convenient parking nearby, although a few drew some disapproving stares from golfers, not that I minded that. I don’t like golf at the best of times. I particularly don’t like people playing golf and looking down on others like they don’t exist.

So after finishing that little series and passing by Aston Villa’s training ground for another, I headed south a bit towards Curdworth and did a few out in the countryside.

Is it bedtime yet?

By this time it was getting later and I would be able to get into the hotel room. So I scooted off to do that, having a feeling that enough was enough. I didn’t really have much time left to grab a snooze, so I just got ready and set off for the evening event. At the event I was a total zombie, having not seen a proper bed for about 40 hours. Never mind, at least my employer was paying for me to be in the hotel. That essentially means I got a day of caching at their expense.

On the following morning I grabbed a couple of other nearby caches on my way back home.