The Sketch
Quack! World Wide Flash Mob X was the tenth in an annual set of events in May. Cachers assemble at various locations and do something silly for 15 minutes. In the case of the Aylesbury event, we mucked about with rubber ducks in a fountain. In this particular year, the events could be held on a Saturday that was also the proverbial Star Wars Day.
For us, Kas needed some time to get a bit of work done. That would be easier if me and the kids shot off for the afternoon to do a bit of caching. Well, we couldn’t just do a 15 minute event, so we went for the afternoon.
Pre-Event Caches
After a couple of drive-by caches we ended up in Bierton, which promised much. It promised quite a few caches, in fact. But the reality was rather disappointing. Half of them were missing or not findable or needed half a day. The highlight was my first FTF in ages on Zombie Saint. There was also a Church Micro, which is always good.
From Bierton we drove south around the eastern side of Aylesbury to collect a couple of caches in the countryside. And then on to Stoke Mandeville. where we found three distinctly urban ones.
The Event
And then to the Flash Mob event. It was good fun, as evidenced by the photos. The general gist was that you chuck your ducks into the fountain and then, I believe, watched them to see whether the wind would blow them to one side or another.
The afternoon was enhanced for the kids because the square also had some water-squirty things inlaid into the pavement as well as the “big” fountain. That made for a bit of extra entertainment, running through them and trying to not get wet. Or trying to get very wet. One of the two.
We still have the ducks, somwewhere……