Suitably Tooled Up
So a week after our failed efforts (see Barren Broughton) we decided to have another brisk dash to Broughton on a sunny lunchtime. We were now suitably armed with a shiny new Garmin GPS.
Target #1 was A Random Bench #8 by Wavvy. This is shown around the back of the church in Broughton, in what turned out to be a small oasis of green amongst a sea of building site. Being lunchtime though, Bob the Builder and the crew were suitably occupied laying bricks, roofing rooves and leaving sweet wrappers and fag ends behind the new kitchen cupboards. Thankfully none of them were watching us, so now we could pinpoint the exact bunch. We’d also researched the nature of the cache, so it was easy a pie. Unless, of course, you’re comparing it to a particularly tricky kind of a pie. Or a transcendental number.
Rabbit, Rabbit
Next up was the Broughton Bunny Hop by Monkston Madgirl. This is shown in a circular public space in the middle of the estate and has the seemingly standard description for tree-based caches. That standard description is usually encrypted so I won’t spoil. It involves the height of a certain part of the body just below the head and a form of vegetation that grows around other forms. Figure it yourself. The problem with those, of course, is that identification of the correct tree is of the utmost importance. In fact, if you’re on the wrong tree you don’t have a hope. And it may take you a considerable time to conclude that you need a different tree.
Enough warbling though. The Garmin reduced the possible tree count to around 2. And the hint narrowed it down to about 20 square centimetres of search space. Ah! There it is…………….
So that was enough for one lunchtime. Return to work flushed with success, but with the unfortunate sound of a wailing 3-year old that doesn’t want Daddy to go. Strange, seem to remember this morning she couldn’t bear to be within 20 feet of me. Kids, huh? What are they like?