• Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post category:Expeditions


Many moons ago, when I was knee-high to a grasshopper, I used to live in Scotland. Well, maybe not that long ago, but certainly 10 years before caching and 20 years before I became a cacher.

Back then, I lived in Edinburgh and worked at the Grangemouth Refinery as part of a large project that saw dozens of young English IT workers descend upon both places. I would like to say it was a time when I explored Scotland’s nature, geography and general beauty. But I know you wouldn’t believe that, so let’s just say that I was well acquainted with a few of Edinburgh’s liquid-based entertainment venues.

Since I became a geocacher, I’ve visited Scotland a few times. I visited a variety of places, as you can see below, sometimes as part of geocaching events and other times for work or other leisure purposes. So what trips have I made?

  • A weekend at the Aberdeenshire Mega in 2019, staying with a friend in Aberdeen and driving through as many counties as possible to find a cache in each.
  • A long weekend in Edinburgh at Easter 2024, notionally so that Daughterus Minimus and a friend could do some sightseeing and cultural stuff.
  • A long May weekend in Southern Scotland enjoying the Caledonian Cachefest 2024

It’s still one of my favourite parts of the UK. So here are all the geocaching blog posts I’ve written for trips to Scotland.

Moffat Dale

Moffat Dale



Caledonian Cachefest

Caledonian Cachefest

Dean Village

Dean Village

Royal Mile

Royal Mile

New Town

New Town

Aberdeenshire Mega

Aberdeenshire Mega