• Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:2013 / East Midlands

The Sketch

I made a quick dash up to Stoke Bruerne on a grey Sunday afternoon in early February for the usual reason. There was a short route of caches along the canal that I haven’t done. And I was trying fill in more slots on the “Days Found” matrix It was after 2pm already when I arrived, having had a lazy morning and solid brunch. So limited time, and about 8 caches to have a crack at.

The first problem, as ever, was trying to find somewhere to park. The village roads are either double yellow lined or for residents only. I pulled into a pub car park but felt uncomfortable there. I didn’t want to park under their CCTV cameras without actually going inside the pub, so I moved on. Eventually I found the car park for the Canal Museum, which was rather empty. I required £2.50 in loose change, which I didn’t have (I was 15p short). Thankfully the museum shop is happy to sell you a ticket too.

Some Caching

I had a target of 8 caches. Well the target changed while I was walking, to be honest. Ultimately I found 7 of them. The unfound one was the furthest from home. When I reached it when the light was starting to get a bit dodgy. I didn’t want to waste the opportunity to do the other three that I had planned to do on the way back. Plus I’d had my fill of night caching yesterday. So I decided not to dwell at that one.

None of the ones I found were particularly strenuous, though the one right next to the museum could have been. I happened to put my hand right on it in the first place I tried. Magic.

The Grand Union Canal is an absolute heaven for caching. There’s loads. Just pick a bit of canal and off you go.