The Sketch
Two weeks into the year and my first “serious” day of caching. I drove over towards Corby to have a go at the Poppy’s Ponderings series. It was a day when, to be quite honest, my mind was not 100% engaged with geocaching.
I drove up alone but met a familiar crew onsite. The parking turned out to be (as it often is) an unpaved layby at the side of the road. Still, it was hard enough to park on and it was handy for the series.
The Series
Poppy’s Ponderings is a series of just over 40 caches spread over what I’m assuming was once an airfield. It’s flat and there’s a bunch of paved roads around what seems otherwise to be fields. That’s normally a sign of previous RAF use.
The good side of this is that most of the caches are accessible without having to stray of the hard surfaces. That’s ideal on a winter’s day in England. Low likelihood of ending up neck deep in mud.
The series, as I remember it, was decent but not special. Worthy of the drive up, because 40 something is really all that can be done this early in the year.
We met a bunch of other cachers working their way around when we were maybe 3/4 of the way through them. Don’t ask me who, though. Most were people I’d either never met, or hadn’t met often enough to associate the name with the face.
Grumpy McGrump from Grumpyville
As we were approaching the end we still had a couple of hours of daylight left, there was a point for deciding to continue or not. Normally I’d keep going until darkness, but to be honest on this day I couldn’t wait to get home. My mum had gone into hospital and I was worried about her (putting it mildly). My heart really wasn’t with the caching, so I decided to be a party-pooper and just drive home. Apologies to my company on the day, but when you’re not right, you’re not right.
The house and the other members of the family where pretty much where I’d left them, so that was all good.