• Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:2011 / Eastern England

It’s your birthday…

It was “The Other Stu’s” 40th birthday, apparently. He’s getting on a bit. He’d decided to celebrate the occasion by dropping a load of tupperware around the countryside of Bedfordshire. He arranged a celebratory caching event at the Rose & Crown in Ridgmont which we attended as a family of four. It was a very pleasant Saturday afternoon and perfectly fit for sitting outside and eating outside, despite it being September.

We met a few of our now fairly familiar caching friends at the event and say for a chat and some lunch for a while before heading off for a bit of a walk around the fields with Wavvy. We headed off for a fairly self-contained loop which lead over towards the M1 from the pub. It basically involved two large fields with a number of caches placed around the outside. Somehow here we managed to find both bonus caches for the series too, despite only having done about a third of the caches. There was probably some creative information gathering involved in that part, but we don’t talk about things like that.

Anyway, once we’d done at the pub we stopped off to grab a couple of random Church Micros before driving home.

Sunday Morning Afters

The following morning looked like being a quiet one so I agreed with Kas I could get up early and go to attack the rest of the series (while they were hot). I parked in much the same place (in Ridgmont village) and headed eastwards to do the caches over the other side of the motorway.

This lead me round in a big clockwise loop to cross back over the motorway again somewhat south of the village, from where the course took a diversion south across a couple of relatively barren fields. I seem to remember I cut the walking short because a couple of the caches appeared to be a long way away but also by the side of a road. So I went back in the car to fetch those once I’d finished walking.

It was another warm morning and I’d failed to take any food or drink with me, so by the time I finished (after nearly four hours) I was glad to be heading home. It was around lunchtime, as I’d started before 9 am to make sure it didn’t take up the whole day.