I Should Write These Closer to the Date
There’s not a lot I can say about this one. That’s a result of me writing the post more than two years after the day. What I can say with some reliability is that Kas was doing Redway Runners club run at Marston Vale. So I took the girls for a few geocaches around the lake there, and then we all went around the north of Bedford to have a pop at some more of the Two Birthdays. Hence the title, Another Birthday Bash.
This particular day was the day of the event at the local pub. When I say “we all went … to have a go at” what I mean is that I went caching while the ladies sat in the pub. By the time we arrived, it was well into lunchtime and it was a beautiful day. The girls didn’t fancy any caching, so I left them to have a leisurely pub lunch. There were other people in the car park of the pub that I knew. However, none of them was interested in doing a caching walk at that point, so I walked on my own. I walked to the north to run around a relatively new section of caches.
It was easy going and I worked my way around 29 caches in a couple of hours. They were all fairly easy going and I was moving over the terrain at a very fast walk.
As it was warm and I wasn’t carrying anything to drink I pretty much necked a couple of pints of soft drinks when I eventually did get back. By that time the kids were getting bored. Kas and me were getting sunburnt, so we gave up and came home. I did persuade them to humour me with a stop at a local cache though. It was in the front garden of a local cacher, and it was (almost) on the way.